1960 Renault Caravelle Restoration

1960 Renault Caravelle Restoration

1960 Renault


Battery Cover

Fabricated Old School Battery Cover

Original trunk with battery compartment covered by plastic Walmart bag
Original trunk with battery compartment covered by plastic Walmart bag
Repair manual illustration of original battery
Repair manual illustration of original battery
Battery top made from scrap wood
Battery top made from scrap wood
Assembled wood battery top
Assembled wood battery top
Contact lens cases used as battery caps and bridging teminals
Contact lens cases used as battery caps and bridging teminals
Top, caps, and terminals painted to resemble a 1960's style battery
Top, caps, and terminals painted to resemble a 1960's style battery

I did not like the look of the new battery in my classic trunk so I made a battery top that looks like a 1960's battery. I used scrap wood from my garage and bought contact lens cases at the local drug store to simulate the old school cell caps. Then I painted the cover black, the terminals aluminum, and the caps yellow.

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